


Gourd: a tribute to Walter Smetak | Cabaça: uma homenagem a Walter Smetak


A dance choreography in tribute to Smetak (the influential musician to Brazilian tropcalist music), who was connected to an influential ocultist group at Itaparica island. The dancers and choreographer invited themselves to present the the piece in the Teatro Anatomico da Terra.

Direction and choreography: Carmen Paternostro and Gilsamara Moura
Director assistance: Soter Ruy de Oliveira Xavier
Musical Direction: André Rangel
Music: Walter Smetak
Costumes:Carol Diniz Luz  and Cintia Mitie Sadoyama

Grupo de Dança Contemporânea da UFBA
Berg Kardy
Carolina Miranda
Carol Dias
Leonardo Santos
Matheus Ambrosi
Haissa Brandão
Nicolas Fernandes
Rogerio Medeiros (Indio)
Sinha Guimarães